People spend thousands of dollars on websites that look good but sell nothing. That's because a site needs to do more than look good and function correctly. The key to a success website or for any marketing initiative is the WORDS you use.
The fact is when you know how to write compelling copy you will be able to attract and convert more visitors into buyers and in this episode Bernadette Schwerdt, founder of the Australian School of Copywriting explains exactly how to do it.
Bernadette explains that your success starts by identifying and talking to your target audience. Great copywriting starts with knowing who you are writing to. While your website might be seen by thousands you are only ever writing your copy as if you speaking to one person.
As a marketer, if you try and speak to everyone, you will be heard by no one. This episode shows you how to build a compelling message that makes you interesting, memorable and much more likely to win the business.
1. Don't make your copy about you and what you do. You must make it about your customer and the problem that you help them solve. Visitors are not interested in hearing about you, they have questions and they want them answered. Fail to answer them and they will leave as quickly as they arrived.
2. Confused minds never buy. The first key to creating compelling copy is to narrow the focus and make sure you are focusing on the MUST know information and eliminating all the unnecessary words being used. Less is more when it comes to good copy.
3. Get to the point fast. You only have seconds to grab the attention of your visitor. Make sure you don't bury the lead make the visitor work too hard to find the information they want.
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