Seth Godin author of the Purple Cow called Podcasting the new Blogging. A lot of subscribers have been telling me how much they enjoy the podcast and it's got them curious about the option of launching their own.
So, this week I've asked someone with a lot of podcasting experience, Lyndal Harris from Podcast VA to come on the show and share EXACTLY what you need to know to create your own show.
Lyndal has helped hundreds of business owners to set up, launch and manage their own podcast. If you want to know what's involved and all the benefits that can come from producing your own podcast this episode is packed with information I wish I'd had before I started my show.
00:00:11:15 - 00:00:26:26
warwick: Welcome to the markets club podcast. The show all about helping you work smarter. Earn more and accelerate your success and now he's your host Paul McCarthy.
00:00:30:24 - 00:01:10:09
Paul: So hello and welcome to Episode 38 of the marketers club podcast I am your host Paul McCarthy and I'm here to help you market your talent so you can earn what you're worth and ultimately make more of a difference in the world. Great to have your company again for another episode and this week we're talking about podcasting. You know it was a late last year that I finally got going and got this podcast up but it's been something that's been on my mind for several years to do I'd been talking about it and telling people that I had the intention to do it but kept finding reasons why I couldn't get started.
00:01:10:13 - 00:01:58:14
Paul: And really as I explained in the very first episode that I recorded for this podcast the challenges or the procrastination that was happening in my mind really were a lot of excuses and things that perhaps I had built up to make it bigger and harder than I thought it was going to be for me to fit into my schedule so I'm so grateful that I finally got it up and going and I've been so overwhelmed really with the positive response the feedback that I've got the audience that has built in a really relatively short period of time for this show is really gratifying and I'm thrilled that so many people are enjoying the program and I certainly trust that you are enjoying the weekly episodes that we're bringing to you.
00:01:58:21 - 00:02:30:11
Paul: And I'm always keen to hear from you and learn more about things that you'd love to hear or people you'd love to hear from. So continue to drop me those emails or or connect with me on social and tell me what your thoughts are. But I know that one of the things that's come out of the launch of this podcast is that it has caused I guess curiosity in the mind of many of my clients and many of the listeners about whether they should start their own podcast and what would it take and what would that look like and what do they need to do.
00:02:30:24 - 00:03:11:17
Paul: And I guess many of the questions that were floating around in my mind last year when I finally got it started and got underway. So I thought it was only fair that I would tackle that conversation and so I've asked Lyndal Harris who's an expert in podcasting. She has a podcast VII so she works with hundreds of podcasts to help them prepare and launch their podcast. So I couldn't think of anyone better to get on board than someone who's actively working with people to set up podcasts and explain exactly what's required what it looks like what you need the tools the tricks the things to get you started.
00:03:11:29 - 00:04:04:06
Paul: And the reality is you can get started for very low budget and you don't have to spend much money at all if you wanted to start a podcast. But you do need to have a clear intention of why you want to do it. So if podcasting has been something that's been on your mind then this episode is going to give you the guidance about what it takes to get one started. And even if it's not on your mind at the present time maybe it's something that you're going to think about doing down the track. You know Seth Godin who wrote The Purple Cow suggested that podcasting is really the new blogging it is the new popular way for marketers and people who want to communicate with an audience to do so on an ongoing basis. So I do want to keep you waiting any longer I want to dive into my conversation with Linda Harris. Lyndal Harris welcome to the markets club podcast. Great to have you on the show.
00:04:04:10 - 00:04:05:18
Lyndal: Thank you it's great to be here.
00:04:06:06 - 00:04:41:23
Paul: Well I thought it was about time where 30 odd episodes into the marketers club podcast and it was time to talk about putting a podcast together and sharing some of the insights of what it is how to do it why we should do it why it's a good idea or maybe why it's not a good idea for some people I don't know. We'll explore all of you today. You are a specialist in helping people to really get a podcast up and going take care of their their back end. So just tell us a little bit quick thumbnail about the business that you're on and why you set up a business to help people get onto a podcast.
00:04:42:29 - 00:05:33:25
Lyndal: So my business is podcast VA and I basically started at three and a half years ago because I was working with clients I was a virtual assistant for a nation into podcasting and I worked with a client who created the first podcasting conference here in Australia and it being in that room with 100 podcasts is in listening to all the presentations. I realised how much work goes into producing a podcast or all the different elements that need to be to be managed. And so yeah from that I pretty much went away and I'd learned so much from being in the conference for two days that I decided that I wanted to nation me my business down further from content marketing and step into that role and they weren't really too many people that were doing it at the time. So we helped people basically make the casting journey a little easier by offering post-production support.
00:05:33:27 - 00:05:57:01
Paul: Well there are I guess maybe that's one of the reasons that many people pause or don't go with the podcast is the perceived complexity of it and the work that's gonna come with it and the challenges. So if we're going go down the road of starting a podcast what's the first question we need to ask in terms of figuring out what our purposes would that be the logical place to start.
00:05:57:18 - 00:07:25:03
Lyndal: Absolutely. I'm too many times I think I say in groups and in forums that people are asking what equipment they should get or what microphones specifically should would be the best microphone for podcasting. And really when I'm taking people through the launch process that's probably step five or six right starting off with the strategy sort of understanding what message do you want to share with people. What's your objective of actually launching a podcast. What format are you going to do it do it any. You can do solo or combination of interview and solo shows. Who's your target audience. Things like that are really starting at that strategy pace. I think when it comes to starting a podcast a lot of people it is a big mountain to climb when you just sort of thinking about starting it and you've decided you want to start one and you just you don't actually know where to start. So it feels like it's a big challenge to start a podcast. But if you work on that strategy pace and then move into either finding a resource or a training program with somebody to follow who will step you through those processes because otherwise Google something that I've certainly spoken to a lot of people about is googling how to start a podcast. You can find hundreds and thousands of resources and there's different ways to do things and so it can be quite confusing to then work out which steps to take. But if you know once you start and once you break it down it gets easier along the way.
00:07:25:05 - 00:08:09:06
Paul: Well I mean I know for myself and we'd had a conversation we were talking off air you know that we met at an event several years ago and I was at that time talking about this podcast that I wanted to get going but I managed to conveniently find excuses and reasons why I could never quite get to it. And perhaps yes and subconsciously some of the challenges that were going on in terms of where do I get started or where I knew that it was a format that I wanted to do. But I guess some of the technical elements or those things that I let those get in my way or things that they were gonna be maybe a bit trickier than they were. So can you walk us through I guess some of the challenges you say people face when they get started and how they can maybe address and overcome some of those.
00:08:09:08 - 00:09:14:16
Lyndal: One of the first ones and the biggest ones is imposter syndrome. I talk to so many people and I run a Facebook group of podcasters here in Australia. I actually surveyed surveyed them a little while ago and asked you know who suffered imposter syndrome when they started and it was easily over 90 probably 95 per cent of people were just like yes absolutely the imposter syndrome is sort of holds people back for a long time. Well all the emotions and the feelings of putting themselves out there. So that's probably from an emotional point of view that is a very big challenge. And then from the technical side of things it is knowing you know what's the best podcast Microphone and you've googled all that and you come up with again hundreds of responses and it can be quite confusing to know which is the best one where they recording their where do they record that. The solo shows or their interviews. How do they then get that on to Apple podcasts and onto Spotify. So from the technical side of things it's it's usually around the equipment to use and whether you know what what software to use as well.
00:09:14:18 - 00:09:30:00
Lyndal: And I think the equipment question is it is a good one too. But there are lots of various courses out there where you could you could look at it and think I'm going to go and spend a thousand dollars on getting all my equipment set off and that isn't necessarily the case.
00:09:30:02 - 00:10:01:06
Paul: So from your point of view is it more important for us to get something going with simple sort of equipment that we may have available and get some shows under your belt and do that and build up on the on the equipment side and not let that be the barrier to getting started or is it really important that we do have some of the right equipment otherwise our show will actually suffer in terms of its quality which is the chicken and egg sort of hey that's a really really good question because it depends I guess on a couple of things it depends on your budget.
00:10:01:14 - 00:11:23:17
Lyndal: It also depends on your circumstances so where you're going to be recording and you're going to be recording interviews on online or in person if you are if it's mainly going to be you recording either online using a platform like Zoom or recording solo podcasts then I would suggest if you could if you've got the budget to start with a USB microphone that will give you a better quality audio then using your phone for example. But I do know a lot of podcasters who start on their phone. If you have no budget for equipment then you can start with that and if you use the earpiece or the microphone that comes on the earpiece that will give you quite clear audio but you obviously need to be mindful that you know that it's not rubbing against your clothes and things like that. So that's really important. So USP microphone and you can spend to me that the budget for those you can spend anywhere from 80 or 90 dollars from getting a good starting microphone right up to five or six seven hundred dollars on a USB microphone so you know some of the microphones that are good starting USP ones are the audio technica HCR 21 hundred the road and t us Bay there's sort of around the 100 to 200 dollar range and they will get you a good good audio quality in your recording so that is really important.
00:11:23:19 - 00:12:36:19
Lyndal: I think it's important though if you know that you're going to do say input in in-person interviews if you have one USP microphone. It's not going to be the best quality because you're either going to have to sit very very close to your against talking into this a microphone or there's gonna be different levels which obviously can do some parts of the fixing of that in the editing but it's still the better quality you can get at the recording phase that would actually that that gets you the better quality at the end of the at the end of the editing process. So yeah just being mindful of your circumstances and your budget before you go and buy the equipment and that's great advice and I think that it is one of those things that obviously if you're working in a medium like podcast you do want to be mindful of the audio you don't want to have really low quality because it becomes very difficult for people to want to listen to that so you want to get that reasonably clear and I guess this is why having a clear why you're doing it needs to be there first because it's easy to go start spending money. I guess sort of like having a desire to get fit and healthy we've all got on board or the fitness equipment and then stick it under the bed because really it doesn't just do it for you you actually get to use it and work it.
00:12:37:14 - 00:12:56:07
Paul: So you've talked about a mic and how important that is what about if if we are starting off we want to have a crack at trying to edit our own show or put it together. What sort of software's and things should we be thinking about what what tools are we going to need to be able to get started from an editing point of view.
00:12:57:01 - 00:14:35:17
Lyndal: So with editing there's a free program called Audacity and a lot of people start with that one or if they're Mackey's is they will start with Garage Band perhaps because that's already on their Mac they're two free software programs that work really well for editing and you can record solo stuff straight into those as well. That's something I guess I didn't mention in the equipment that when you get your microphone if you can get some headphones to plug into that microphone you will actually hear the sound quality that is coming back through. So that's really good tips to do if you've got that headphone jack on your microphone because as I mentioned the better quality that you get at the recording stage then you don't have to try and fix things in editing and some things are really hard to fix in that editing stage. So yeah audacity and Garage Band is some free ones. Adobe have audition. So that's really good paid platform and Hindenburg journalist is a really good platform as well and I know when it comes to Hindenburg it was actually designed as a voice program so people in the podcasting world who are very techie will say that that is the best one to use because it was designed for voice not designed for music. But I think if you're starting out then if you get familiar with with a with any program you'll obviously probably want to stick with that one because you'll find it easier to manage after a little while and then you can google youtube sorry videos there's so many videos teaching you how to edit using these programs so that's a really good place to start.
00:14:35:25 - 00:15:15:16
Paul: Yes well as muso we used to joke about we'll fix it in the mix but there's only so many things you can fix in the editing studio if you don't hit the right note when you're singing it's not that easy to correct in the mic so you do want to get those elements right but in terms of launching a podcast tell a little bit about I guess some of the strategies that we might need to think about of how to actually go about launching and I mean things like how many episodes should I maybe have in the can already before I invite people in. Know what's what's the recommendation from somebody who's working with hundreds and hundreds of podcasts.
00:15:15:18 - 00:16:27:25
Lyndal: Yeah I think it's really important to start with three at least three that's how when I'm working with people launching their podcast we always start with three. Some will start with four or five. I personally I think that you could start with three of for and and hope the rest in the bag if you've got 10 recorded and then that's you're ahead of the game and you're not going to be chasing your title every week you get an episode recorded and a couple of reasons that you that we suggest three or four is because it gives people the opportunity to have a binge listen see if they like you they're more likely to subscribe if they've listened to two or three episodes and know that they they want to subscribe to make sure that they're not going to to miss an episode. And I guess the reason people are doing it that way is it is to get up in the Apple charts and whilst the apple charts are very much a vanity metric it does help with Discover ability. So if he can get up there people will look through the charts and they can possibly find me that way. So that's why we say launch with three you get a little bit more of an opportunity to perhaps pop into those charts. But it's about giving people the opportunity to listen to a few episodes and then know that they want to subscribe so they listen to all of them.
00:16:27:27 - 00:17:17:07
Paul: So you don't want to kind of be constantly rushing and running yourself ragged trying to get to the next episode. I personally I guess over the short journey that I've been doing it now sort of as we're nearing 40 episodes really now like to batch episodes together and do a bunch of interviews at one time in a day wherever it's possible to do so that I can just put my mind into doing just that for the day and getting those down so that that tends to work well for me and helps me manage my my time as well. We've got to think about this the launch phase and getting that out is there some strategy tips other than having a few recordings in the bank about how we go about launching a podcast How do we build some anticipation for it.
00:17:17:09 - 00:18:26:19
Lyndal: There are a few different ways to look at your launch and some people will wait until the actual launch stage. Others will will do a lot of pre marketing so they might have tasers telling people that a podcast is coming or something is coming in and they're building the audience up so that when it actually drops on the day they they're going to get their audience to go and listen to it. Now the trick with a successful launch as far as again is getting up into those charts and trying to get the Discover ability is to get as many people as you can to go and subscribe to your episode on a particular day. So it's the activity in a seven day period is what Apple podcasts will look at. But if you can get a lot of activity on a particular day that will push you up into the charts and then say if you can stay up there for a few days then you've got the potential of finding a new audience by people who are looking through through those charts. So when you're looking to launch. Most people will give it a little bit of a Taser. So that might be through social media or telling their audience through email marketing.
00:18:26:21 - 00:19:36:23
Lyndal: I guess something that I noticed happening more and more is the people that are giving a little bit of a teaser that something's coming. They are getting people going and listening to it before they've actually launched it which to some people that is an issue that they don't want anybody to hear the episodes before launch day. But the way that Apple podcasts work in the approval process you don't know how long it's going to take them to approve. So you want to. You want to make sure you've got it all submitted beforehand and then it's going to be live on the day. So the way we sort of talk about getting around that is to perhaps record a trial episode and a trailer episode might just be you reading at your description of your show and just introducing it it can be really short 30 seconds to a minute or up to a few minutes long and then using that trailer to to submit to the various directories and then uploading the actual episodes on the day. So while we say launch with three episodes you could do that trailer first so that you've got it approved everywhere and then on the day no one's listened to your episodes before launch day. So it's a small thing I guess but it's something to be mindful of.
00:19:37:00 - 00:20:11:15
Paul: And I think that maybe just to clarify for people so they understand that they're obviously there are the varying platforms you can submit your material to. So the Apple itunes theres stitcher, Spotify. Are there other platforms we should be thinking about. And as you've pointed out there is a bit of a white time or a lag between the show being authorized and being available for somebody to download so and subscribe to so any other channels or that you say are important for us to add to the mix that we should be making sure our podcast is positioned on.
00:20:11:27 - 00:21:30:10
Lyndal: Yeah I think I think they're the main ones so go for the big three or four so you've got Apple podcasts Spotify Google podcasts Google podcasts is a slightly different process to get your podcast on. You don't submit to them as such and you might need to put a bit of code on your website radio stitches probably not quite as big as it used to be before Spotify came in with all of the podcasting side of things. And Google podcasts came along but I still think it's not a bad place to put your podcast. And then if you go into your hosting platform they'll usually have in the help section a variety of different directories to push it out too. So I then would say go and put them onto those these days and report Bain and there's a whole lot of different ones and they'll usually outline them more there that you can get onto there and it's it's a case of you know the big four that the Big Three or four to make sure that you're covering people on an android and an OS device. And then from there you may as well get it onto as many directories as you can. But it's not as critical but usually as a safe you go and have a look at platforms help sections they've got a list of different directories to push it out to you mentioned hosting and that's probably something that's important just to explain to people.
00:21:30:14 - 00:21:47:23
Paul: It's much like a video platform where you might host your videos like YouTube or Vimeo and these sorts of places you don't host the audio files on your own websites and so forth you're going to need a hosting service so just explain to us how how that works and how we decide what service we want to go with.
00:21:47:25 - 00:22:54:26
Lyndal: So with the hosting you're right you definitely don't want to host it on your Web site unless you have a very techie team and you have a lot of bandwidth which most podcasters don't do so you go and select a podcast host to do that for you. So the way that you set it up is you'll sign up for a different program and I'll run through some of them afterwards. But you set your show up in there and that will give you an RSS feed. You then go and integrate that RSS feed with the various directories. So you're not actually having to every time you release an episode you don't have to go to Apple podcasts and upload it all and go to Spotify and upload it all you're just going into your hosting platform uploading it there and that's pushing it out to the various directories that you have integrated in your launch steps trying to choose which one is is an interesting step. A lot of them provide a very similar service. What I would say to look for is one that provides good statistics particularly if you want to monetize your podcast down the track because you will be asked for statistics or you'll be wanting to show statistics.
00:22:54:28 - 00:23:52:01
warwick: If if you want to monetize good analytics is is the place to start. How much storage there is. And then just you can do your own comparison really some of the main ones if you wanted to start free then pod bean or Bochco they offer a free service to smaller audiences. But as you grow obviously you'll need to go to a paid level for again washer and pod bean a great omni studio is another fantastic one but those are the four main ones that I work with. I know captivate is another good one. As I say there much of a muchness if you want to have a private podcast. So if you've got a membership program that you run or you do some kind of training and you want to host a private podcast to those members then you'll need to look I think there's a handful of them that do it. Not everybody does that. So you'd need to look for that when you're doing a searching.
00:23:52:03 - 00:24:24:17
Paul: But you mentioned about things like monetization. What is the process what are we. And you mentioned about measuring stats if we want to be able to monetize it. So what are the measures or the things that we're trying to achieve to get a podcast or point where and I'm assuming that example we're talking about someone sponsoring a show. Is that what we're looking at in terms of that monetization. So if that's our goal what sort of size audience are we going to need to build and be able to demonstrate before we're going to potentially attract sponsors to our shows.
00:24:24:19 - 00:26:00:18
Lyndal: It is quite large when it comes to formal sponsorship or a podcast sponsorship whether you're going through an agency to try and find someone you need to be probably looking at at least a thousand downloads per episode and then the return possibly isn't the isn't going to be as high as you might think it is. So a couple of you could contact I know that the hosting platforms a lot of them not not all of them but they have a monetization element to it so you could contact your host and get more information there where they'll place dynamic ads and it's about recording your episode and you leave and I can a second or two seconds so they can find where to place a dynamic ad and they will try and match and add to your branding to your audience so that they're not hopefully not putting in something that's totally unrelated to your audience. You can also find through podcasts sponsor agencies if you've got a very niche podcast you could potentially just go and speak to people in your industry and see if they're interested in sponsoring for years. So for example I've got a client that I was working with who has a podcast about exploring with your cat. So not just about putting your cat on a lead and going walking. It was about going travelling with your cat and taking your cat to a very very very very niche podcast. But she they got amazing sponsorship deals because people who sell cat products were just they were jumping at the chance to response to the show. So there's opportunities to go to people that directly relate to it.
00:26:00:20 - 00:27:06:02
Lyndal: You can also ask people I've got another client who literally just asks people in her network who have a similar audience if they would like to sponsor a show rather than just an episode rather than the whole show or a whole season she'll say do you want to sponsor this show. And if they say yes they provide they they pay her provide some information that she does a rage at the beginning of her show and she's got quite a large audience so that works well for her. But the other monetization of the ways to monetize you can transcribe episodes and put them into e-books and sell them. So if you had 30 or 40 or 50 podcast episodes and you look back through them and you had five or 10 episodes on a particular topic you could perhaps get them transcribed. Set them into an e-book and sell them on your Web site. If you've got an online course that works really well with podcasts to funnel people through into your products and services. And that's probably a better way to think about monetizing a podcast than trying for the sponsorship and unless you're unless you're launching with a really big audience.
00:27:07:04 - 00:27:14:16
Paul: Now you mentioned the show notes a couple of times so let's just talk about those briefly. How important Show notes to your podcast.
00:27:14:18 - 00:28:48:07
Lyndal: I love that question. I do get asked that quite a bit and it's interesting because I would say always have show notes but they don't need to be long and detailed. If you don't want to. So I'm saying people have success with next to nothing on show nights. And I've seen people who write show notes that are really really lengthy blog posts that perhaps are not necessarily as well. So it's about finding that what works for you. I think that they're important because you're enticing people to want to listen to the episodes so if people are subscribed and they're getting their podcasts through a podcast they can see they're going to play it anyway probably. But those show notes the opportunity for them to decide whether they're actually going to listen to that particular episode. So I was doing a podcast about different equipment. Somebody who is a podcast and is happy with it equipment setup might sort of look and think OK well I'm not going to listen to that particular episode because it's not relevant for me. So it's about enticing people to click on it just giving them a little bit of information about what it is. When it comes to transcription a lot of people would like to put a transcription on their website when they put on the show notes page. That's different again. So some people will do the show notes others will just do a plain transcript and some will do a combination of both. But as I say it's really about enticing people to click on that and and decide whether they want to listen to that particular episode. So I think it's important to at least put a paragraph or two in there.
00:28:48:13 - 00:29:21:25
Paul: And is it a process that in terms of capturing the show notes or deciding what the short answer is that a manual process that people have to jot down and create or is there a tool they can use head of the extract the show notes mean a transcription seems pretty simple in terms of yes I can transcribe the whole conversation but pulling a exact show notes and special bullet points and links and things like that is there is that really a manual process that you either go through yourself or you find a V.A. specialist to help you do that.
00:29:21:27 - 00:30:31:28
Lyndal: That's that is what I would say and I think another hack here might be to use one of the cheap transcription services or one of the free ones to get some get the transcript and quickly sort of skim through that because if you've got again you've got a 40 minute episode it's going to take you 40 minutes plus all the time to stop and sort of pause while you write down acquired or you scribble down something and you don't miss something. So for me when I started the podcast I used to I used to listen through to the audio and then sort of realized that it wasn't the best use of time if I could get a transcript and I could just flip through it and highlight the bits to pull out for the show nights on saying that if you use a transcription service that is going to give you a better results better quality then it gets very expensive so Rev is obviously very popular one using an onshore V.A. quality is going to be much better. So if you want to put it onto your website you want to know that it's actually correct then using those that the higher paid ones will be will give you a better thing that you don't have to check in is gonna put it onto your website. But the chief funds when it comes to show notes they actually work quite well and it's just a quicker way to do it.
00:30:32:00 - 00:31:10:00
Paul: Great advice. So I'm busy taking lots of notes. Yes. It's like I'm going to get out on this episode so it's all really for me folks, but I trust that they are getting lots of value and ideas. Now some people obviously as I hear because there are lots of parts to this so it can be a little overwhelming and that's why we might be much better to go down the path of getting an expert like you in the background helping us to prepare it or what about building an audience. That's obviously a key part of this. So how do we get ourselves onto maybe other people shows how do we connect with other podcasters. What are the strategies for us to grow our listening audience
00:31:10:10 - 00:33:00:28
Lyndal: That is definitely one of the best strategies to grow your audience is to try and guest on other people's shows and when you're reaching out to podcasters some podcasts will have a form on their website that you can actually go and fill out and submit to go on their shows or you might be reaching out to them via email or through socials. Personally I think a really good process is to perhaps connect with someone on social media then have a little bit of a relationship with them a little bit of a conversation with them get to know them make sure you listen to their episodes. You don't have to listen to all of them but you want to have a good feel for what their podcast is about and you want to personalize the pitch. When you send iteration and you definitely don't want to send a blank page I'm sure you've probably received emails that you can tell maybe a V.A. is sending out to 30 broadcasters for somebody and you get a very quick sense that they have no clue what your show is about or what they are pitching you about is tightly not relevant to your audience. So when your it's the same thing when you're pitching to someone else's show you think about what is it that somebody has put me in a pitch that has made you think you know what. Yep that would be a great guest. So it might be sending them to a link on your Web site to give them some examples of other podcasts that they've been on so that you can go and listen to them. Well they can go and listen to you and see if you to be a good guest at telling a story like maybe just taking something out of a podcast episode of show that you've listened to and you actually really gel with and maybe putting that into the email so they know that you know their podcast and then what value can you bring their audience that really what that's what it needs to be about that's what they're going to make the decision on it's going to be about what can you offer their audience. Because if you can't offer them something of value they probably won't have you on this show.
00:33:01:01 - 00:34:10:00
Paul: And that's the reality for us in relation to I guess all of our marketing in terms of it's about how we can deliver value and we have to understand the audience we're serving so if you're gonna be on somebody else's show you gotta understand what value you're going to bring to the audience it's not just about being self-serving and building up your own list. So always going with a sense of service first listen it's been fantastic when all the great information. Lots of ideas for people to think about. And I for one am just so grateful that I finally put my finger out and got my podcast going I really enjoy the opportunity and the medium and it's been building beautifully and where we're gonna keep working away and I'm going to be applying lots of the tips and strategies you've given us today. Now I suspect that many of the listeners who want to go down the path of starting a podcast or one of the fastest ways that I could do it would be to reach at some one like you to figure out some of the key strategies so tell us where people can connect with you what's with how I can learn some more get some more great tips and advice and and understand what your services are and how you can help them accelerate launching their podcast.
00:34:10:07 - 00:35:04:18
Lyndal: If they would like help my website that's where you'll have all the links to all the social platforms that I am on. I also run a Facebook group the Australian podcast is collaborative and there's about eleven hundred members in there and it's a really great engaged group. People can ask all sorts of questions or get information or get some advice and they're very supportive group which is which I love but yeah so we have that done for you services. I also have a podcast launch checklist on my website and I do some online training as well to help people get it up and running in with their podcast and also how they can manage it in an ongoing sense and how to set up their work flows and streamlining their process and things like that. But you can find everything on or reach out. If you've got any questions and I'm happy to answer them all
00:35:04:20 - 00:35:14:05
Paul: Thanks so much Lyndal for making some time being on the show sharing your wisdom and helping everyone take a step closer to launching their own podcast. Appreciate your being with me.
00:35:14:07 - 00:35:15:14
Lyndal: No worries. Thank you so much.
00:35:15:18 - 00:36:24:21
Paul: So I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Lyndal Harris and now have a little bit more clarity about what it will take to get a podcast up and gone if that's something that you've been thinking about doing. So if it's been on your radar for a while take it from me. It's something that's really worthwhile diving into it if it hasn't been on your radar. It's something that that you've dismissed or it's just not something for you. That's absolutely fine. And I think it's much better not to do something sort of half baked or think of it as something I better do because everyone else is doing it. You need to find a really good reason for you to do it but if it's not podcasting then I'd really encourage you to think about what the mechanisms or systems that you're using to make sure that you're building a conversation with your audience on an ongoing basis. What's the means that you have in place in your business right now to continually add value to connect with your audience and to position your expertise and package up what it is that you know and really give yourself the ability to connect with people on a regular basis.
00:36:24:23 - 00:37:55:10
Paul: One of the issues for a lot of people with a marketing is they're very inconsistent they don't provide enough value often enough to audiences and therefore they are forgotten they don't create the sort of top of mind awareness in their industry that they need to if they want to make sure that their business is found. So regardless of whether podcasting is the right vehicle for you you really need to be thinking about well what am I doing asking yourself that question how are we building a top of mind awareness what are we doing to add value on a regular basis and create a connection with the audience that we want to serve start asking those questions and finding answers to them because they are such an important part of your marketing your ability to attract people into your world so that you can serve people in the best possible way. Now next week's episode is a a bumper episode it's a solo episode that I'm doing for you on a really important subject list building I'm going to walk you through exactly how to build your list and the strategies and mechanics of doing that. I've also put together a really comprehensive guide for you and I'm giving you access to a bonus training program to really help drill home the importance of your list building activity so you can look forward to all of that coming to next week in a really bumper edition where we'll dive into how you can start building your list and generating more leads for your business on a consistent basis.
00:37:55:12 - 00:38:31:04
Paul: So thanks again for joining me. Thanks again for all of the people that I have left reviews if you haven't done that and you can find the time I really appreciate it really helps the show to continue to grow. If you haven't subscribed please do so that you can be notified straightaway on your device that the next episode has dropped and I'll look forward to joining you as always. Next Tuesday for our next regular release when we take you through the process of list building. So until then I wish you all the very very best of luck with your businesses. But much much more importantly with your lives. Take care. Bye for now.